Centre for Advanced Functional Materials and Devices
The Centre for Advanced Functional Materials and Devices has been developed to coordinate and undertake research into novel approaches to the development, characterisation and application of nano and macro materials in conjunction with computer modelling and visualisation techniques. The Centre will address priorities in the Welsh Assembly Government's 'Winning Wales' strategy for economic development by regular and deep engagement with the business community, both in Wales and internationally.
The Centre for Advanced Functional Materials and Devices builds upon expertise at Aberystwyth and Bangor, including three new professors.
Strategic Objectives
- To develop internationally competitive research programmes with a focus on organic electronics, photonics, materials under extreme conditions, space science, biotechnology and sensors
- To underpin experimental programmes with world-leading characterisation methods, both in the laboratory and at central facilities
- To develop an international network of researchers and external stakeholders (particularly industry) to inform and underpin this research programme
- To develop a robust knowledge exchange programme to ensure the effective flow of knowledge between the research base, the economy and society
Find out more: http://www.cafmad.ac.uk