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The Pilot Project: Using HPT to improve performance

Both Aberystwyth and Bangor Universities have been implementing new reading list systems to try and ensure the best possible service to their students and academic staff colleagues.  The process involves adopting parallel software solutions and the policy and implementation steps that will deliver an effective and comprehensive uplift to the provision of reading list services to students.  Within the Library service teams, such an opportunity to work together in a project which sets out to deliver infrastructure improvements, does not present itself frequently and so the project also offers an opportunity to teams to learn about change management methodologies and to work together in ta new dynamic.

Traditionally most Universities have struggled with the effective compiling, cataloguing and completion of reading lists in efficient and effective processes.  Increasingly Universities are enhancing technology tools to address the flow of necessary information and tasks around the Universities and to enable efficient monitoring and reporting of progress.  Both Aberystwyth and Bangor have now adopted the same software system and are using the P3 methodology to implement the software both within their own teams and with their colleagues in each University.

'The Project Team'

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